A President Harris-led administration would be a “leftward lurch” on abortion, gender confusion, religious liberty, law and order, and more, David Closson, the Family Research Council’s director for the Center for Biblical Worldview, said on Washington Watch Friday.
In more recent years, Harris may be best known to conservatives for her social media gaffes, but as San Francisco district attorney, California attorney general, a U.S. senator and then vice president, she has amassed a 20-year record that Republicans can attack.
Leftist views run deep in the Harris family. Kamala Harris’ father, Donald Harris, now a retired Stanford economics professor, was labeled as a “Marxist scholar” by The Stanford Daily in 1976. It said some faculty described Harris as “too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-classical economics. “In brief, Harris taught ‘bad’ courses too well,” the newspaper said.
On social media, where Harris is often mocked for her silly phrases, the X channel End Wokeness was not joking in a video clip shared July 25. It shows Harris speaking and talking about "equity" versus "equality." She argues that equity means "everybody ends up in the same place."
"This is called communism," the X channel concludes.
The issue of equality under Communism was once addressed by Alexandr Solzhenitsn, the Soviet author and political dissident.
"If they are free, they are not equal," he said of human beings. "If they are equal, they are not free."
Kamala and the 'new order'
Michael O’Fallon, the CEO of Sovereign Alliance, a conservative think tank, said on American Family Radio Monday that the controversial pro-LGBTQ attack on Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting is in line with the globalist track a Harris administration would take. It’s in fact been previewed during her time as vice president, O’Fallon told show host Jenna Ellis.
“What you're looking at with Kamala Harris, or the entire Biden administration, is the will and the concepts that organizations like the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Five Eyes Nations and so forth want to put forward as the new world, as the new order, if you will,” he said.
O’Fallon noted that the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – the countries that make up the BRICS economic partnership – aren’t endorsing the idea of inclusivity for all at any cost.
“But the entire West is,” he said.
“So when you look at a figure like Kamala Harris, who basically represents this transformative change into a new way of thinking, you're looking at the will and the thoughts of where you're going by basically joining with these concepts of equity...of basically having a trans society.”
In many ways Biden set the course, but there’s no doubt this is where a Harris administration would try to take America, O’Fallon said.
“It would be a complete change in terms of our economic abilities as opposed to capitalism, where people are able to make money by taking a chance, or investing in something, or by the sweat of their brow," he predicted. "You’re bringing in equity which means that we all have equal outcomes. That's a complete transformation out of what America was into the America that they want it to be.”
Closson agrees.
“As liberal as Joe Biden is, it can get more liberal, more progressive,” he told Washington Watch host Jody Hice.
Republicans need not focus only on the Biden administration record with Harris as a junior partner, Closson said.
“Kamala Harris does have a track record where she’s weighed in on all of these issues that Christians care about, abortion being chief among them,” he said.
Kamala on abortion
There’s bright contrast when considering the “scorecards” at two distinctly different nonprofit groups: The Family Research Council and Planned Parenthood.
“Kamala Harris actually has a zero percent lifetime rating from Family Research Council Action. She has 100 percent score for Planned Parenthood. When you’re thinking about abortion, compare the Planned Parenthood scorecard vs. The FRC Action scorecard, and it’s really, really clear,” Closson said.
Harris the AG aggressively prosecuted David Daleiden, whose undercover videos for the Center for Medical Progress exposed Planned Parenthood for selling the body parts of aborted babies.
“As a candidate for president running on abortion she said she wanted to codify Roe v. Wade and said she wanted to require federal pre-clearance for any state level pro-life law,” Closson said.
Harris wants to repeal the Mexico City Policy, which restricts foreign non-governmental organizations from providing abortion services if they also receive U.S. funding.
She also wants to repeal the Hyde Amendment which prohibits taxpayer funded abortion in the U.S.
As a senator she’s voted two times each against the Born Alive Survivor Protection Act and The Pain Capable Act.
“Whenever Kamala Harris has had an opportunity to vote on a bill dealing with abortion, she has been on the pro-abortion side and has been against the pro-life side,” Closson said.
Harris was an original co-sponsor of The Equality act, which would codify sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes and would seek to remove from those two classes the faith exemptions currently provided by The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Closson said.

Prior to the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, Harris as California AG chose not to enforce California Proposition Eight which defined marriage as between one man, one woman.
Harris, Closson said, claimed she had the legal authority whether to enforce the law or not.
"As soon as the court struck down Proposition Eight in California, she was the first person to officiate a wedding in San Francisco between two same-sex identifying individuals,” Closson said. “She was ahead of the curve. She was ahead of Barak Obama and ahead of Joe Biden.”
Kamala and the 'Freedom Fund'
On the campaign trail, Trump is is attacking Harris for promoting a bail assistance fund during the 2020 riots. That money, the Minnesota Freedom Fund, eventually was used to free felons accused of murder and sexual assault.
“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” she wrote on Twitter in 2020.
Even though her post and the fund are still active, the liberal media is now suggesting that accusation is another right-wing conspiracy theory.
Confronted last week about her support for the fund, Harris called that accurate information "misinformation and disinformation," and her denial earned her "Four Clintons" from The Washington Free Beacon.
“That fund still exists, and money to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars has been used to release actually pretty hardened criminals, including some that have been released who committed crimes of, and this has been well-documented, murder and rape,” Closson said.