Trump predicted 'pathetic' Kamala but donations pour in to defeat him

Trump predicted 'pathetic' Kamala but donations pour in to defeat him

Pictured: Vice President Kamala Harris arrives at her new campaign headquarters July 22 after President Joe Biden announced he is not seeking re-election.

Trump predicted 'pathetic' Kamala but donations pour in to defeat him

Even though nervous Democrats forced an ailing President Biden to end his plan to seek re-election, a conservative activist predicts Biden would have been a more formidable candidate than his replacement.


On Sunday, the same day President Biden announced via letter he was bowing out as the nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris was swimming in online donations from ActBlue, the Democrat fundraising website. The website processed $67 million in contributions, the best one-day record ever, according to a CNBC story.

Those donations and others, such as liberal PACs, are in addition to approximately $96 million in the Biden-Harris campaign fund that legally transfers to the V.P.-turned-nominee for her White House bid.

The sudden praise for Harris by Democrats and media cheerleaders, and the flow of campaign donations, helps her emerge as the most likely nominee for the Democratic National Convention that starts August 19, just four weeks away.

After the June 27 debate, Trump was secretly recorded on a golf outing three days later talking about the debate and what happens next. He predicted he had probably forced Biden, whom he called a “a broken-down piece of crap," to bow out of the race. Trump also predicted Kamala would replace him.  

“That means we have Kamala. I think she’s going to be better," he said. "She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic.”   

Reacting to Harris emerging as the likely nominee, Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families says he doesn’t believe she will be a better candidate than Biden.

“I think she can be defeated with two words: Border Czar,” he tells AFN. “That was the assignment she was given. She failed miserably. She went to the border one time during the entire four years.”

Republicans labeled Harris the “border czar” after President Biden announced in March 2021 she was leading a White House effort to tackle the “migration crisis” – meaning illegal immigration – at the southern border.

“I gave you a tough job,” Biden told Harris at their joint press conference, “but there’s no one more capable of trying to organize this.”

Harris vowed the Biden administration will “enforce the law” on illegal immigration, which it has famously failed to do. She also said she will address the “root causes” that make people want to travel to the United States and cross the border.

Harris made a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border in June, three months later, only after Republicans pointed out the point person on illegal immigration had yet to visit the border.

Since illegal immigration is a huge issue in the presidential campaign, left-wing news outlet Mother Jones published a story Monday on her role. The story attempted to push back on the "border czar" nickname and the responsibilities Harris was handed three years ago. Vox, another far-left publication, published a similar story last week before Biden's surprise announcement. 

According to RealClearPolitics, Trump is ahead of Harris 48%-46% when the political website averaged out 12 polls. Harris leads Trump in only two of them, by 1% and 2%, and Trump’s widest gap is an Emerson poll that is 49%-43%.

The oldest poll, by CNN, dates back to the June 28 presidential debate. Trump was ahead of Harris 47%-45% in that poll.