Today's event at Trump Tower in New York City is the former first lady's second time this year hosting a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans, a group whose stated purpose is to "represent LGBTQ conservatives and allies."
Dr. Alex McFarland points out that while the GOP has a big tent, with members covering a broad spectrum of beliefs, it has always been true to certain values.
"In courting the Log Cabin Republican vote, let's hope that the Republican Party and President Trump don't forget that our nation was founded on moral truth," he says.
While Trump may have proven his worth to conservatives in his first term as president, McFarland notes that he is not a principled conservative; he has wandered off the reservation on several social issues.

"There's been much talk recently about the Republican Party stepping away from the moral, principled positions that they've held for … centuries, and it would be very unfortunate for them to do that," the apologist submits.
Given that the LGBTQ+ lifestyles deny "the worldview that is the very foundation of our Constitution," he says there is something oxymoronic about homosexual Republicans, and moral deviancy is not worth the party's soul.
"While I understand they feel like they have to go after every vote, wherever they find it, if getting the vote means compromising the Constitution and its foundation, then that's a bridge too far," McFarland contends.
Those attending today's event are being asked to contribute up to $100,000 to benefit the group's "Road to Victory" program, which is aimed at turning out voters for Trump and other Republicans.