Dems dismiss 'clowns' who attended Trump rally in South Bronx

Dems dismiss 'clowns' who attended Trump rally in South Bronx

Dems dismiss 'clowns' who attended Trump rally in South Bronx

After their political enemy Donald Trump held a campaign rally in their own backyard, Democratic leaders in New York are openly mocking their own voters for supporting him.

In a blue state where Joe Biden handily defeated Trump 60%-37%, Trump’s campaign rally in the South Bronx last week drew as many as 25,000 supporters to Crotona Park.

"I have come tonight to talk about solving problems. The simple fact is Joe Biden is not getting the job done for the Bronx," Trump told the crowd. "He’s not getting the job done for New York, and he’s not getting the job done for America...Remember this, if a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can." 

Reacting to the campaign rally, Gov. Kathy Hochul (pictured at right) dismissed Trump and the crowd during a CNN interview with host Jake Tapper.

“I'll tell you what won't make a difference at all, Jake,” she said, “and that is for Donald Trump to be the ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx.”

The problem with the Governor’s dismissive comment, however, is many attendees have said they are Democrat voters who support Trump.

In a Crotona Park interview posted to X by Trump supporter Matt Browne, a Puerto Rican woman said she is a “lifelong Democrat” who attended to support Trump.

“The biggest mistake they did was mess with Trump” she said. “That woke up a lot of people.”

At the Trump rally, other attendees ridiculed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after the vocal Democrat called the event a "trick" with mostly outsiders.

"Let her come to the Bronx and let her come among us people that struggle," one woman told Fox News. "She doesn't even know what struggle is." 

Browne sought out other minorities at the rally, too, including a black man who said he didn’t vote in 2016 or 2020, but began asking questions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“After 2020 I became more alert and aware of politics,” he said, “and I’m here now.”

Another attendee, who is Puerto Rican, said he had to lay off three employees at his business, a pest control company. He told Browne middle-class families are hurting because of President Biden. 

Hochul sounds like 'deplorables' Hillary  

Reacting to Gov. Hochul’s sneering comment, AFR podcaster Sandy Rios says the remark reminds her of Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment about Trump supporters.

“There are all kinds of names that Joe Biden is calling us, like insurrectionists,” she says. “They come up with these names and they really are clueless.”

Talk host Janet Mefferd tells AFN she believes voters are realizing the Democratic Party is out of touch – a comment Browne repeatedly heard at the rally.

“These liberal elites are looking down on flyover country and anybody who's in the same ideological camp as flyover country,” she says. “They don't understand how despised they are by so many Americans --- or at least their policies are despised.”

After hearing Hochul’s “clowns” comment, many New Yorkers likely haven’t forgotten she suggested two weeks ago black children in the Bronx are too poor to have access to technology.

“Young black kids, growing up in the Bronx, don’t know what the word computer is,” Hochul, speaking at a globalist conference, said on stage.