Election Day is still eight months away. Though the former president is polling well in head-to-head matchups with Joe Biden, conservatives are concerned that the same election laws that lost Trump states like Michigan and Pennsylvania will still be in place this November.
Biden officially won Michigan by 154,188 votes in 2020 and Pennsylvania by less than 82,000.

"Pennsylvania and Michigan are great examples that if people … who care about the country go … vote, those people will win," submits J. Christian Adams, founder and chief counsel of the Public Interest Legal Foundation. "They're culturally conservative states with pockets of Detroit and Philadelphia, and the rest of the state outnumbers Detroit and Philadelphia."
Wisconsin and Georgia, which Biden narrowly won by 20,682 and 11,770 votes respectively, are other swing states that Adams says are culturally conservative.
"Nevada is a different story because of the all-mail auto voting there," he adds. "That's a disaster location."
Virginia is problematic for different reasons.
"Because of the presence of D.C. and all the bureaucrats who live in Northern Virginia, they sort of cancel out the cultural conservatism of the rest of the commonwealth," Adams laments. "But I do have a good deal of confidence about Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin that the tide will lift all ships."
He reiterates that "if people work, they can win." But whether they will remains to be seen.