This election year, iVoterGuide President Debbie Wuthnow says they been busy building the comprehensive and free guide. She thinks it can be especially helpful in the primaries where there are several candidates with the same party affiliation.
"We've got president; we've got all the federal races in all 50 states," she notes. "There are 37 states where we're covering statewide races this year and 32 states where we're covering all the way down to state legislature. In some areas, we will cover some key school board races."
In addition to candidates, the guide also tackles issues like guns, immigration, the economy, life, religious liberty, and more. And this year, the guide is being translated into Spanish to help Hispanic American voters. Wuthnow says they are more conservative than the mainstream media portrays them.

"They are pro family, they are pro-life, and a third of them, we've been assured, don't read English well enough to become educated on the issues," the spokeswoman relays. "So, iVoterGuide is going to be translating the entire website -- all of our news articles, every resource that's on there -- into Spanish, and it should be coming out hopefully early April."
Wuthnow says those who really want to make an impact will vote in their local primaries and elections, but voting is only the beginning. iVoterGuide suggests there other ways for Christians to be salt and light in their communities, including through prayer and outreach.
And as iVoterGuide relies on exhaustive research, it is always looking for panelists to contribute to every sate's voter guide.