Black support for Joe Biden continues to wane. Recent polls have shown probable Republican nominee Donald Trump could receive 20% of that vote this fall, which could have a tremendous impact on the election, considering he only received 8% of the black vote in 2020.
Diante Johnson is founder and CEO of the Black Conservative Federation, which considers itself the premier hub for black conservatives throughout the country. He says outreach should not be restricted to the inner cities.

"To be honest, the low-hanging fruit are the suburban black community," he tells AFN. "With those, we can talk about issues. We can talk about school choice. We can talk about making sure that children have the best education. We can talk about black business ownership. And so, it's not just going into the inner city, but it's going to be going into suburbia black."
Meanwhile, the party must also convince the college educated that the GOP is the better alternative.
"You're a business owner; the Republican Party has policies that are for you," Johnson poses. "Reaching out and saying, 'Listen, you're paying way too much in property taxes. You're paying way too much in sales taxes. You're paying way too much in income taxes.' Those are who we have to reach out to as well."
The Republican Party, he says, must let every faction of the black community know that it cares about what is important to them and that it can make a positive difference in their lives.
"You kind of have to do it all," Johnson summarizes.