In the early days after Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,400 Israelis – and kidnapped and raped many more – President Joe Biden pledge unwavering support for Israel.
“The United States isn’t going anywhere. We’re going to stand with you," Biden told Israeli leaders and citizens in a visit to Tel Aviv on Oct. 19. "We’ll walk beside you in those dark days, and we’ll walk beside you in the good days to come, and they will come."
As the war has progressed against Hamas, however, support has come with strings attached and with U.S. meddling in war strategy decisions such as Biden’s encouragement of the recent ceasefire.
Monday’s visit by U.S. Def. Sec. Lloyd Austin was the most recent example of Biden’s confusing “support” for Israel.
“The United States has been clear and consistent since Hamas started this war on October 7th. Democracies are stronger and more secure when we uphold the law of war, and as I've said, Protecting Palestinian civilians in Gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative,” Austin said.
Remarks have been similar from other senior administration officials.
Glick: U.S. hectoring a 'form of slander'
“The United States says something and does something that's the exact opposite of what it says, and it couches it all under this need to maintain allegiance to international law, which Israel does … like the Americans do in their wars as a matter of course.
“So the hectoring is also a form of slander because by saying you have to abide by international law, you're insinuating that Israel is doing something other than that,” Caroline Glick, the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate, said on Washington Watch Monday.
“Sec. Austin came in, and he stated American support for Israel's goal of eradicating Hamas in Gaza, but he was placing limitations and hectoring Israel to do it in a certain way,” Glick told show host Jody Hice. “This goes together with an American policy that is requiring Israel as a condition for continued American support for the operation that we allow hundreds and hundreds of trucks of supplies into Gaza.”

U.S. officials say the trucks are humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, but critics say Hamas intercepts the trucks, resupplies itself and is extending the war. Video footage online shows Hamas soldiers riding the trucks and even shooting warning shots at Palestinians standing nearby.
Glick said the aid is largely sold on the black market with a 500% rate hike.
“Hamas is in control of large swaths of Gaza, including the border with Egypt. This is aid that goes directly to Hamas first and then to Hamas apparatchik second," she said. "What the United States is doing with this is guaranteeing the longevity of Hamas's war machine or at least prolonging that lifetime by continuing to supply it with food, water and fuel."
Glick said the U.S. has several leverage points over its ally, Israel. One is the unresolved aid package being debated in the Senate as Congress prepares for its holiday break at the close of business Friday.
Another is its influence with the United Nations.
The U.S. earlier this month vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have ended fighting in Gaza, but pressure on the U.S. to influence Israel is growing.
“The Americans have the issue of the UN Security Council where you have constant harping to force Israel into a ceasefire through a UN Security Council resolution. The Americans vetoed one last week, but this week there's another one that's going to be voted on and you can assume there will always be one. So Israel is constantly on edge. Is the United States going to veto Security Council resolution or abstain and enable it to go through?” Glick said.
Israel and Bible prophecy
Biblical prophecy says the U.S. would be wise to stand strong with Israel.
God’s covenant with His chosen people is that Israel will become a blessing for nations that support it.
“You will be a blessing in the earth. I will cause those who bless you to be blessed, Israel, and those who curse you will be cursed,” Heather Johnston, founder and president of JH Israel, told Hice. “The United States, to this point, has played that iconic role. We stand really at a place where, that for a nation to prosper, they have to serve Israel. Their leaders have to have a relationship based on protection, based on economic growth and service to the nation of Israel.”
Johnston supports her premise with Isaiah 60:10.
“Foreigners will rebuild your walls, oh Israel. Their kings are going to serve you. Though in anger I struck you, but with great compassion will I bring you back in great favor, and your gates will stand open so that the nations can bring you their wealth. Their kings will be guided in procession through the gates of Jerusalem, for the nation that will not serve you will perish and be destroyed.
“It's pretty strong. It’s pretty black and white, pretty central, ultimate and basic,” she said.