This week, Biden made a visit to Pueblo, Colorado, Rep. Lauren Boebert's (R) home turf, to attack the lawmaker whose conservatism has been a thorn in the Democrats' side. They believe they can flip her congressional seat next year and ultimately retake control of the House of Representatives.

"Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is a firebrand and very outspoken, especially on Second Amendment issues and conservative issues," notes Gordon Klingenschmitt of the Pray In Jesus Name project. "Good chance that Lauren Bobert could be reelected, except for her recent foibles. We all know she's been involved in a scandal, and her dating choices have been questionable. So, Joe Biden sees red meat. He sees the possibility of taking over that district in the next congressional race."
Klingenschmitt goes on to note another potential problem: "She has a Libertarian opponent this time."
"Last time, the Libertarians sat out, and Lauren Bobert was able to squeak out a win in an odd year, when Trump wasn't on the ticket," the former representative recalls. "I think next year, Trump has coattails, and maybe he helps Lauren Bobert. But if the Libertarian candidate peels away any votes from Lauren Bobert, the Democrat could win that race."
President Joe Biden used CS Wind, the world's largest facility for wind tower manufacturing, as the backdrop of his visit Wednesday to sharpen his criticism of Rep. Boebert, who has described the president's climate policies as "a massive failure."
"Did you all know that you're part of a massive failure?" he mockingly said to the workers and local officials there.
His speech touted tax incentives for clean energy initiatives.