If approved by Buckeye State voters, Issue 1 would raise the approval threshold to amend the Ohio Constitution to 60% of the vote instead of the current 50%-plus one.
Issue 1 has created a fierce political battle because those who are pushing for its passage say it will prevent left-wing groups from influencing the red state. Meanwhile, those same liberal groups have been pouring money into Ohio to confuse voters in hopes of defeating the measure with a “no” vote.

On social media, organizations such as Ohio Gun Owners and Ohio Right to Life are urging voters to choose “yes” on the ballot. Meanwhile, left-wing activist Nina Turner and the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus are urging a “no” vote.
Jameson Taylor, director of policy and legislative affairs at AFA Action, tells AFN the 60% threshold is one of several safeguards Issue 1 would put in place if approved by voters.
“The second safeguard that Issue 1 puts into place,” he says, “is to require that voters in every Ohio county have a say when there's a ballot initiative that's moving forward.”
Issue 1 requires at least five percent of voters in each county to approve the ballot initiative before a constitutional amendment is put on a state ballot. That requirement, he says, balances the power and influence in urban areas by giving smaller, more rural counties a voice in important issues, too.
“You have to show that there's enough people in the state of Ohio that might support this amendment,” Taylor says. “They have to sign the initiative petition before it would go to the people for a vote."

Pro-life leader Mark Harrington of Created Equal tells AFN pro-life groups are urging Ohioans to vote “yes” tomorrow. The powerful abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, he says, is urging Ohio voters to vote “no” because they want to amend the state constitution to expand abortion laws in the pro-life. So keeping the 50% threshold helps them on a future ballot initiative.
“This has been a very long time coming,” he advises, “something we've been attempting to take place here in Ohio, but we're finally going to be able to vote on it August 8th.”
Editor's Note: AFA Action is an affiliate of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates AFN.net.