After nearly carrying the state in 2020, Democrats are urging Biden to campaign heavily in North Carolina in 2024. A Democrat has not won the state since 2008, and a win there would make it even tougher for a Republican candidate to secure the necessary pathway to 270 Electoral Votes needed to take back the White House.
Dr. Alex McFarland, a North Carolina-based Christian evangelist, says The Tar Heel State is one of the top three seeing a population inflow, and there is "such a concern" about it turning blue.

"We're third in the nation right now," he reports. "North Carolina has been a dependably red state, and [it] should be. But Apple Computers is building a $1 billion building in Raleigh even as we speak, and I know there's a huge percentage of Google workers now right in the center of the state -- people that have come from California that are here working for Google."
Those new residents are noticeably affecting the state's political landscape.
"They get here, and all of the things that have made North Carolina great -- families, churches, morals, a work ethic, good education -- they're bringing political beliefs that mitigate against all of these things," McFarland laments.
He asks the new residents, "Please don't California our Carolina."