Whether it was the FBI going strong to investigate Trump in a Hillary Clinton-created scandal, a memo by Attorney General Merrick Garland encouraging FBI agents to target parents who spoke out at a Virginia school board meeting, or the IRS targeting of conservative groups, examples of the weaponization of government against Democratic opponents seem too many to name.
In light of those numerous examples of a rogue government, impeachment is the Republicans’ way of fighting back, Rep. Mike Collins (R-Georgia) said on American Family Radio Tuesday.
Impeachment, the lawmaker said, is the best response to the Biden administration’s weaponization of Department of Justice resources. The indictment of former president Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents – when others have not been held to the same standard – is the most recent example, he said.
“It's what we said over the weekend, especially when you have a sitting president that is weaponizing not only the law enforcement but the justice system to go after a political opponent," Collins complained. "The irony of it is you're talking about a president who had documents, and now they have found these documents that belong to Biden when he was a senator."
Impeachment is the process by which Congress charges then tries an official of the federal government for treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors. In the legal proceeding, the House of Representatives brings the charges which are heard in a Senate trial.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden. She previously introduced impeachment articles against FBI director Christopher Wray and against Matthew Graves. Graves is the federal prosecutor who she says ignored crime in the District of Columbia to focus solely on Jan. 6, 2021, when Trump supporters were charged with inciting violence at the Capitol.
In a related discussion, Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas) spoke to the "Washington Watch" program Monday about Trump's legal problem. He compared the Trump indictment to Hillary Clinton’s classified information on a private server that she tried to destroy. He also mentioned recent findings by House Republicans that millions of dollars in payments flowed to the Biden family through a series of shell companies.
“Nobody is alleging that any national security has been compromised. Nothing has leaked out or anything of that nature,” Fallon told show host Tony Perkins. “They're saying simply and merely the possession of it in a presidential home, after his presidency, where he had the power to declassify it, as somehow criminal and warrants up to 400 years in prison."
Time to start over in Department of Justice
Back on the Jenna Ellis program, Collins said it’s time to tear down the DOJ and start over.
“It’s time for impeachments. It’s time to bring Garland in and impeach that rascal. It’s time to get rid of FBI Director (Christopher) Wray through impeachment," he said. "We have got to start dismantling these organizations at the top and cleaning house on this stuff up here. They are destroying so much of what we know as America."

It will be hard for any impeachment of Democrat leaders to end with a guilty verdict from a Democrat-led Senate but Collins isn’t reinventing the wheel. Democrats went after Trump with the impeachment tool twice. The second time – over the Jan. 6 demonstration at the Capitol – 10 Republicans voted for impeachment. Their votes were symbolic as Democrats had the numbers already.
Collins sees the LBGTQ and transgender agenda – playing out with full support of the White House – as a problem that equals weaponization.
But it’s not only a federal government problem.
“The transition (of gender) is being pushed through the states,” he said. “We’ve got to start fighting back as Americans. When I’m out giving speeches people ask me, ‘What can we do to help?’” Collins said.
The way to stop transgender movement is simple
His answer is simple: Vote Republican.
The only way to change the current landscape of the country is to give Republicans the ability to pursue initiatives like impeachment.
“We’ve got a good, solid House (of Representatives) over here. We’ve got good, solid Republicans. We’re doing some in-fighting now but we need some help,” he said.
It appears the other side is doing some in-fighting as well, as not all gays and lesbians agree with transgenders. For one side it’s a matter of love who you want, for the other an effort to encourage young people to make physical changes to their biological sex.
“I don’t think the Gay Pride Movement is happy with some of this crazy transgender stuff you see out there,” Collins said.
Regardless of what’s going on between Gays and Transgenders the biggest advancer of the movement is a Democrat-controlled executive branch and certain Democrat-led states who believe they’re playing to they’re base.
Collins says the overwhelming majority of men and women he serves with daily do not endorse the movement.
“You take your transgender decisions, that's all coming from government and the state. They're wanting to tell you what you can do with your kids and what your kids are going to look like or however they're going to reform them," he said. "That’s where the disconnect is... I'm sure there are some Democrats up here that may fall into that category of believing that, but for the most part, I don't know if anybody up here believes in that mess."
The conservative vote may be more important now than at any time in history.
“We’ve got big elections coming up. We need to make sure that we flip that Senate, and we need to make sure we get the White House back in Republican hands,” Collins said. “Then you can see a lot more being done to address these crazy issues that do not represent America.”