Sexualize children, legalize pedophilia – It's easy to connect the dots

Sexualize children, legalize pedophilia – It's easy to connect the dots

Sexualize children, legalize pedophilia – It's easy to connect the dots

AFA's governmental affairs affiliate has concerns about new legislation in Minnesota.

The American Family Association has been warning people for years that the push to normalize homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy was laying the groundwork for the legalization of pedophilia – an outcome that is well documented in the work of Alfred Kinsey, a "sexologist" known as "the father of the sexual revolution."

Taylor, Dr. Jameson (AFA Action) Taylor

"Today we are seeing this scenario play out in the state of Minnesota, where Democrats have pushed through two bills that make it very easy to connect the dots," says AFA Action's Jameson Taylor, Ph.D. "The first bill, which has already been signed into law, essentially defines the denial of transgender treatment for minors as a form of child abuse."

With doctors talking to kids as young as age six about gender and perverted sexual orientation, and in a culture that is pushing minors to undergo gender-manipulation treatments, Taylor says the goal is to normalize child sexual activity and ultimately legalize pedophilia.

That, he says, is exactly what the Minnesota Legislature has done.

"They've done this in an omnibus bill, SF 2909," Taylor relays. "The bill includes very troubling gun control regulations, but it also contains very broad sexual orientation protections that remove language that says pedophilia is not a protected form of sexual orientation."

This bill is headed to the Governor Tim Walz (D), who is expected to sign it into law.

This comes just after conservative Minnesotans celebrated the takedown of a bill that would have paved the way for pedophilia to be a protected sexual orientation in the state.

"I have to say that if these events do not force churches in Minnesota and other states to get politically active, I don't know what will," Taylor submits.

Editor's Note: AFA Action is an affiliate of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates AFN.net.