The first bill, HB 1315, requires that the providers of K-12 pubic school and library databases remove obscene and inappropriate content. Walker Wildmon of AFA Action discussed that issue on American Family Radio Monday.
"There have been loopholes in ways for young people to access obscene material and pornographic material on these computer databases, so with this legislation we're equipping parents and school officials with the proper means of getting these database owners, these companies, to clamp down on this obscene material," said Wildmon. "We're basically putting some teeth to the law and developing a process through the attorney general's office to get this filth off these computers."
Wildmon added there's no way for teachers and librarians to be able to watch what every student is doing on every computer at these public schools. "So, this is aimed at protecting the innocence of our young people," he added.

The second bill, SB 2346, requires pornographic websites to ensure users are age 18 or older.
"Any user in the state of Mississippi who tries to visit a pornographic website [is] going to have to upload identification," he described. "Not only is this going to protect kids, whether they intentionally or incidentally come across these websites; but it's also going to cause adults to [ask themselves if it's] really a good and wise thing to visit these pornographic websites."
The bill signings last week came just after Governor Reeves signed into law a series of pro-life measures, one of them expanding the tax credit for pregnancy resource centers.
"Mississippi gets a bad rep around the country," Wildmon acknowledged, "but from a moral standpoint and a biblical standpoint, a lot of good things are happening around here."
HB 1315 was sponsored by State Representative Lee Yancey. SB 2346 was sponsored by State Senator Nicole Boyd.
Editor's Note: AFA Action is an affiliate of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates