According to a Real Clear Politics average, former President Donald Trump is polling at over 52% -- nearly 30 points higher than his nearest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
But many voters remain skeptical about Trump's electability in a general election. That is part of the reason why Walker Wildmon, vice president of the American Family Association, is downplaying Trump's lead at this point.
"It's easy to pull 40 or 50% when there's only three or four people in the race, and Gov. DeSantis is not formally in the race yet," Wildmon notes. "I think that explains some of the polling. I think as soon as he declares formally, things will change; I think that gap between Trump and DeSantis will close."
Regardless, he says the infighting must stop if the GOP hopes to take back the White House next year.

"The reality is that we've got a country to save. We've got a country to preserve for our children and grandchildren," Wildmon asserts. "We need conservative, biblical, pro-family values being promoted in our nation; we need morality restored, and this infighting with Trump going after DeSantis and going after any and everyone who won't bow down their allegiance to him is very, very childish and immature."
"We've got to have leaders with more integrity, more courage, and more confidence than this," the AFA vice president adds, and he does hope Trump will change course and become that kind of leader and unifier within the Republican Party.
Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates