In recent weeks, Democrats have been emboldened by two big election victories: a key Wisconsin election for a state supreme court seat and the mayoral run-off election in Chicago. Democrats heavily outspent Republicans to put Janet Protasiewicz on the state court, and Chicago voters chose a radical defund-the-police candidate to oversee their crime-plagued city.
Christian Adams, who is president and general counsel of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, tells AFN there is still hope.

“I don't think it's a lost cause yet,” he insists, “because the Founders, in their brilliance, always put the final say with the mass of the people.”
In other words: More votes wins.
“Because I'm convinced we're still a good country,” he says. “We still value basic things that we've valued for generations.”
The key to winning races, Adams advises, is to "dive deeper” into the population to find and register voters, and then urge them to cast a ballot.
To his credit, Adams knows a lot about voting laws as well as voter fraud. He witnessed the worst of the Left from inside the Obama-led Justice Department, where he emerged as a whistleblower. He has since exposed voter fraud, such as a vacant lot used as a fake address. He also warns about legal voter fraud schemes such as ballot harvesting. So he personally understands the difficulty of a fair and legal election.
'Vulnerable' senator won in Wisconsin
Despite the loss in Wisconsin, which flipped the state court to a liberal majority, it has been pointed out Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson won re-election in the same purplish state last year. Johnson (pictured below) is a Trump-defending conservative hated by the Left, and he was targeted by Democrats as a vulnerable candidate and possible pick-up. Yet he narrowly defeated Lt. Gov. Mandela Barns 50%-49% last November.
That narrow win has been contrasted with Daniel Kelly, the conservative candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, who lost his race by 11 points.
After that race, a National Review story pointed out Kelly’s loss was really his second one after he lost re-election in 2019 by the same percentage points. So the loss of the key court seat was not just about abortion and election spending, says NRO writer Christian Schneider, but the quality of the candidate on the ballot.
“One of the most regrettable parts of modern politics is how every election has been transformed into a national one,” Schneider concludes. “State elections based on candidates and their personalities have been conscripted in the war for the national culture.”
In the Chicago mayor’s race, teachers’ union-backed candidate Brandon Johnson defeated police union-endorsed Paul Vallas 52%-47%. About 25,900 ballots separated the candidates from 610,000 that were cast.
As far as the Chicago mayor’s race, conservative activist Gary Bauer points out the Democratic Party has announced it will hold the 2024 presidential convention there despite the city’s crime rate. That means, he says, the city’s struggling families will watch visitors descend on their city without any concern about the Chicagoans they claim they care about.
“They will be sure, as the elites of the Democratic Party, that they are safe,” he says, “while the voters they claim to speak for increasingly live lives that are limited by crime and violence.”