GOP conservatives urged to 'put on big boy pants,' follow Left's lead

GOP conservatives urged to 'put on big boy pants,' follow Left's lead

Former Florida Congressman Allen West speaking at CPAC

GOP conservatives urged to 'put on big boy pants,' follow Left's lead

A retired U.S. Army officer now active in politics is calling on Republicans to become aggressive and take back a narrative that is being controlled by Democrats.

Allen West, the former chair of the Texas Republican Party, also told American Family Radio that the White House response to a mass shooting at a private Christian school in Nashville is clear evidence the administration of President Joe Biden doesn't care about Christians.

Gingrich: Far Left fears return of swamp-draining Trump

Chad Groening, AFN.net

A veteran Republican leader predicts the return of Donald Trump to the White House will mean the end of the Deep State that fears him.

During an appearance on Fox News, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the Far Left considers Trump a threat to its existence in swampy Washington, D.C. at the same time it is unlikely Joe Biden will win a second term if he runs.  

“Donald Trump came out of nowhere,” Gingrich said of that now-famous presidential campaign, “and is the first person to have the courage and the willpower to take on the entire corrupt extremist establishment." 

Faced with Trump returning for a second term, his opponents are in the “fight of their life” because they face “extinction” if he becomes president again, the former Speaker suggested. 

Meanwhile, Gingrich pointed out that Biden’s approval rating is floating at 33% which makes his re-election chances unlikely.

“So when people say Trump can’t win a General Election,” Gingrich said, “I wonder what planet they’re on.”

After a biological female shot her way into Covenant School then opened fire on March 27, killing three children and three adults, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gave a brief comment of thanks to first responders and mentioned prayers for families – then shifted quickly to the topic of gun control less than 30 seconds into an opening statement of 2 minutes, 11 seconds.

"President Biden has taken more action than any president in history on gun safety," she emphasized.

Much of the coverage from mainstream media soon turned to gun violence and on transgender shooter Audrey Hale.

"Three 9-year-old children lost their lives because of someone suffering from a mental condition, but for the Left it ends up being about gun control and … the rights of gender-dysphoric people," West told show host Jenna Ellis. "We have got to be more forthright in reclaiming this narrative, [this] lexicon that is out there, and stop allowing them to manipulate their ideological agenda."

A good time to follow the Left

West was particularly blunt in what he believes should be the Christian response to the Nashville school shooting.

"If the Christian community can't wake up and see what's happening, that six Christians were killed in a Christian school, [in] a planned, deliberate attack, and that no one cares, this administration does not care, the Left does not care. In other words, [the Left says] they deserved to die because of this gender-dysphoric person … we can't continue down this path. We've got to stop and say, 'We're planting the flag here, and we're going to go on offense.'"

Republicans, West argued, should follow the example put forth by left-leaning prosecutors and political leaders in order to protect the rights of conservatives. He specifically cited the recent indictment of former President Donald Trump on what many of both political persuasions have described as "weaponization" of the justice system.

He also pointed out the efforts to prove Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. As well, the retired lieutenant colonel noted overwhelming evidence with the management of the southern border shows the Biden administration has violated the Guarantee Clause of the Constitution.

"I don't understand why Republicans can't put on their big boy or big girl pants and go on the offensive when you have these legitimate charges you can bring. President Biden is violating the Constitution and the Guarantee Clause that you're supposed to protect every state in the union from invasion. We can see the consequences thereof with the drugs, the human sex trafficking, the rise of gangs, all of these things. So why don't we bring these charges against them?" West wondered.

Last week, Asian defense expert Grant Newsham told American Family Radio of an increase of more than 700% in Chinese nationals accessing the U.S. via the southern border.

"If they can go out and trump up these charges against President Trump, pardon the pun, why can't we take these legitimate offenses, legitimate violations of the law, the rule of law, and leverage that against them?" West asked.

Eyes of Texas on Austin DA

The most recent example of abuse of the justice system is in Austin, Texas, West said. That's where Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza is accused of withholding evidence in the trial of U.S. Army veteran Daniel Perry. Perry claimed self-defense but was convicted of murder of Air Force veteran Garrett Foster. Defense attorneys said Foster, then a protester in a Black Lives Matter action in 2020, raised an AK-47 at Perry.

"I'm glad Governor [Greg] Abbott is pursuing a pardon here because if we are going to allow BLM to take over our streets, to brandish weapons, to threaten individuals, coercion, intimidation, all of these tactics, ultimately violence; if we don't have the recourse of being able to defend ourselves, what are we allowed to do? I think this is a very important case. We still need to declare and designate them as a domestic terrorist organization here in the state of Texas to send a clear message," West said.

West, who served a two-year term in the U.S. House representing Florida's 22nd District, argued conservatives have been placed into the positions of having to respond. He downplayed the argument by some who disregard a Biden impeachment for fear of what the government might look like if run by Vice President Kamala Harris.

"When the Left are in the minority, they are tenacious. When they are in the majority, they are tyrannical. You saw them impeach President Trump over the hoaxes like this Russian collusion thing; you saw them impeach him over a phone call. Yet [when] we have viable, unconstitutional, egregious actions we can bring, we don't want to do that because we're worried about perceptions or we're worried about Kamala Harris," he said.

"Well, if Kamala Harris steps in as president and does unconstitutional things, then we'll impeach her too," West added. "That's the message you have to send. But for whatever reason we're reticent and recalcitrant to do that, and you can't win against this very determined leftist mentality.

"They only know one thing, and that's the right to rule – and not the rule of law."