President Joe Biden has said he is running for re-election but has yet to officially announce, lkely because the ailing, mentally confused 80-year-old will be pushed aside by his political party when the time is right for a new face.
But just who will that be? One possibility is Gavin Newsom, the California governor. He is currently on a “Campaign for Democracy” tour visiting blue pockets in red states, which allows Newsom to meet and shake hands with key Democrats if he announces a White House run as expected.
A second name is Michelle Obama, the former first lady, who was third (14%) behind Biden (34%) and Pete Buttigieg (18%) in an April 4 poll of New Hampshire voters.
In a national poll by TIPP and I&I, Obama falls into single digits and fifth place far behind Biden, but that poll – and every poll with Democrats – assumes Biden is running for re-election as he has publicly stated. If the current president announces otherwise, every current poll can presumably be tossed and a wild race for the White House will begin.

“If I were a top Democrat strategist, I would definitely support and try to convince Michelle Obama to run for president,” says AFA Action policy director Jameson Taylor. “I think she would be a very dangerous candidate.”
Democrats view her as smart and friendly, and they probably believe, he adds, they can hit the “reset button” with her nomination and move on from the disastrous one term of Joe Biden.
Editor's Note: AFA Action is an affiliate of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates