Gingrich predicts '24 nominee and it's not Biden

Gingrich predicts '24 nominee and it's not Biden

Gingrich predicts '24 nominee and it's not Biden

Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker and longtime Republican leader, is predicting Joe Biden will not be the presidential nominee in 2024 and is also predicting who that person will be.


During an appearance on the “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News, Gingrich said President Biden’s “cognitive problems” seem to be growing worse every month. That makes it obvious, he said, that Biden won’t be physically able to run again.

“I mean, the only thing that makes Biden currently survivable is that Kamala Harris is so much worse,” he observed. “You know that Kamala Harris is a joke. Every time you watch her, she's laughing. Every time she does an interview, it's clear she has no idea what she's talking about.”

So the Vice President’s terrible performance, Gingrich said, is something of an “insurance policy” for Biden surviving a 25th Amendment push by Democrats to remove him from office before his term ends.

A new poll by Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows Joe Biden's job approval sinking to 38%, nearly the lowest point of his presidency. His ratings hit their lowest point of his presidency last July, at 36%, when families were first slammed with rising gasoline and grocery costs because of inflation and the war on fossil fuels.

On the Fox program, Gingrich shared his best guess for the 2024 nominee: Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer. She checks all of the left-wing boxes, he said, since she’s female, a hero of the Left, and has the support of the labor unions.

“She represents a key swing state,” Gingrich said of Michigan and its 16 electoral votes. “I think she's very formidable as a potential Democratic nominee."