A fiery letter from a coalition of groups, dated February 7, is more like a desperate plea than a simple request, since it states the nation “simply cannot withstand the damage being done to our sovereignty, security, and well-being.”
“It is completely unacceptable,” Ira Mehlman, speaking for FAIR, says of the illegal immigration problem. “It is damaging the interests of the American people in every conceivable way. And something needs to be done."
Along with FAIR, 15 groups co-signed the letter including The Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, Claremont Institute and Eagle Forum.
The tone of the letter is more than just a fist-shaking complaint about the Biden administration winking at illegal immigration. The signatories remind GOP leaders their American Security Task Force unveiled specific measures last summer such as ending catch-and-release policies; strengthening the asylum process, which is abused by unqualified illegals; increasing Border Patrol numbers; building more border barriers, and more.
Those concrete plans are competing with an administration that is openly welcoming illegal aliens to cross into the U.S. by the millions, and to remain here indefinitely, while gaslighting the American public by insisting the border is secure.
Just last month, groups such as FAIR, Cato Institute, and the Center for Immigration Studies watched in disbelief when President Biden announced he was expanding a “parole” program that allows illegal aliens to enter the U.S. and remain here. The now-expanded program allows 30,000 illegal aliens from four countries – Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti – to legally enter the U.S. every month and remain without being expelled.

GOP leaders have said expanding to program to welcome 30,000 illegal aliens per month marks a 33% increase from December.
“The American people have entrusted you with control of the House,” states the letter to those GOP leaders, “and the clear commitment to restore order at our border was a key reason.”
Republican lawmakers have offered immigration-related bills and held hearings on illegal immigration, Mehlman tells AFN, but the intent of the letter is to urge them to fight.
“They're going to have to play hard ball,” he says, “with this administration."