Democrats are expressing hope that the leak published by Politico one week ago will fire up their pro-abortion base in the upcoming midterms. Justice Samuel Alito's draft opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health appears to confirm the biggest fear of the Left: that Roe v. Wade will be overturned and tossed into the dustbin of history.
The Georgia primary elections take place in two weeks (May 24). Rob Chambers, vice president of AFA Action, thinks the Supreme Court leak will actually motivate conservatives in the Peach State.
"I'd think it would help the voter turnout [and] mobilize them because they would see if Roe v. Wade was shot down at the Supreme Court, then that means Georgia has more power now to change Georgia's laws to be however they would want them to be," he tells AFN. "If it was just a total reversal of Roe v. Wade and they left it up to states, then Georgia could just abolish abortion altogether."
In fact, all four leading Republican candidates for governor in Georgia have vowed to ban abortion if given the chance. Chambers says that's why it is imperative that Georgia conservatives don't allow Democrat Stacey Abrams, who is running unopposed in the primary, to become governor. As governor, he warns, Abrams would undoubtedly veto any bill to abolish abortion in Georgia if the Supreme Court abolishes Roe.

"She would have a bully pulpit, as all governors do," the political analyst points out. "I don't think there would be any question that she would use [that position] to advance the style of legislation that the federal Democrats tried to do in Congress, not only in the House but also in the Senate. So, that may be one reason why Democrats really want to get her elected."
Another concern Chambers has is that crossover voting will allow Democrats to determine who runs against Abrams. Governor Brian Kemp has maintained a substantial lead in Republican primary polls, as he seeks re-election. According to RealClearPolitics, the incumbent has more than a 22-point lead over former Georgia Senator David Perdue, who has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump.
Still, reports have emerged that the GOP establishment in Georgia (which backs Kemp) is working with Democrats to cross over and vote in the Republican primary in favor of Kemp. "And the intention on this is that Stacey Abrams would have an easier time beating Kemp than she would beating Perdue," Chambers explains.
According to Chambers, establishment Republicans are concerned Trump could make another visit to Georgia and help Perdue surge past Kemp on Election Day, just as Trump did with JD Vance's Senate primary win in Ohio.
"Grassroots supporters would be in favor of Perdue," Chambers concludes. "I think that if Trump were to go back into Georgia and double down again and show what sets Perdue and Kemp apart, more of the grassroots people are in support of Perdue."
With two weeks to go before Georgia voters go the primaries, anything could happen. Following a Trump visit, the GOP primaries in Ohio last week saw a 50% increase in voter turnout over four years ago – and JD Vance rode Trump's endorsement to victory, winning by more than eight points after trailing by five just two weeks earlier.
Editor's Note: AFA Action is an affiliate of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates