Texas holds its primary elections on Tuesday (March 1), kicking off the 2022 midterm battles. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Republicans are expected to win big in the House of Representatives and could possibly gain control of the Senate as well. Many political pundits hope that a "red wave" will effectively render Joe Biden a lame-duck president.
Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) says the midterms will be a good start.

"I'm not sure you can render them null and void – [but] I think you can render them far less dangerous and far less impactful than they would be otherwise," he tells AFN, offering some examples: "I think you can pull out a lot of the funding, you can structure a lot of the funding, you can force the right fights, you can have oversight, you can challenge their actions in the public debate.
"If you do all of that, then you stand a chance to sort of hold the line actually for the American people – and that's what we ought to at least try."
The Texas lawmaker, who faces three opponents in the District 21 GOP primary, says a Republican-controlled House also could mean holding numerous government officials accountable.
"I think we ought to be hauling a host of people and entities before the House and holding multiple hearings," says Roy. "We should be pulling in all of those people responsible for the Covid tyranny and haul in Fauci and haul in all of those involved with the gain-of-function research mess; and haul in all the people from the CDC and NIH and HHS who are part of this. Haul in the FBI and the attorney general to talk about how they were targeting parents."
Roy adds there should be numerous hearings on open borders, Afghanistan, and election integrity.