During a recent White House press briefing, it was pointed out to Jen Psaki that gas prices in California were already above $6.00 a gallon in some places before Russia's Ukraine invasion. But Psaki insisted that "standing up for our values is not without cost."

According to Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families (CWF), Joe Biden is to blame for the pain at the pump. He says when it comes to so-called man-made climate change, not even a war in Ukraine will deter the left from its radical agenda.
"President Biden is more afraid of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and AOC and the left than he is of Putin in some ways," Bauer submits.
He says all this was first set in motion when Biden cancelled the pipeline coming from Canada to the United States and then gave Putin the green light a few months later to continue with his own pipeline.
"You couldn't come up with a better way of signaling to Putin that this was a clueless president," the CWF chairman states. "I feel strongly that if you're Kim [Jong-un] in North Korea, if you're Xi [Jinping] in Communist China, if you're Putin in Russia, if you're the Mullahs in Iran, you're looking at the political calendar in America, and you're saying to yourself, 'I have three more years to take anything and everything I want to take.'"
Bauer does, however, suspect voters will remind Democrats about the costs of Biden's failed policies in November.