Did Mayor Adams forget what he promised?

Did Mayor Adams forget what he promised?

Did Mayor Adams forget what he promised?

A conservative activist says New York City's new mayor has so far not lived up to the promises he made when campaigning for the job.

After enduring eight years of Bill DeBlasio (D), the people of New York City had hoped that Eric Adams (D), a former police officer, would restore law and order to The Big Apple. But Horace Cooper, co-chairman of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, says so far Adams has been a disappointment.

Cooper, Horace (Project 21) Cooper

"Crime is a serious problem, and there is unemployment; there's a whole bunch of issues," Cooper observes. "This mayor campaigned on a pledge that he would recognize the serious problems that the city faces and that he had the answer as a former law enforcement person. It is turning out that it's not really true."

In fact, Cooper says Adams is adopting the same attitude as Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D).

"He did something that we thought when Lori Lightfoot did it would be condemned and thought of as something never to do again," notes Cooper. "She announced that she was only going to meet with minority reporters. Well, [Adams] has now announced that only minority reporters can be trusted to accurately report what's going on."

Cooper concludes that Adams appears to want to impose critical race theory as an operational policy in the city.