Not wanting to be labeled a "lame duck" president less than a year into a four-year term, Joe Biden announced recently that he fully intends to run for re-election in 2024 – even though members of his own party have expressed doubts that the 79-year-old can finish out his first term.
And if he isn't able to serve a full term, concerns have arisen about Kamala Harris's abysmal poll ratings, which are even lower than Biden's; and "inside" reports of tensions between the president's and vice president's teams. In addition, Fox News recently reported that Biden may actually be secretly plotting to replace Harris as VP with former South Bend, Indiana, mayor and current U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg as a possible replacement.
Micah Clark, executive director of the American Family Association of Indiana, says a possible Buttigieg-for-Harris swap is "a scary thought."

"[They'd be promoting] a mediocre mayor who ran a city very poorly on two issues: crime and transportation," he begins. "Pete Buttigieg isn't qualified to be secretary of transportation, let alone vice president. We could argue whether or not Harris has the ability too – but you don't make things worse by replacing one incompetent with another."
According to Clark, Democrats want to elevate Buttigieg for one reason, and one reason alone – his sexual orientation.
"Putting him in because he checks a box because of his weird sexual lifestyle is not how we pick presidents and vice presidents or secretaries of anything, but that's how the Democrats see everybody," says the Indiana activist. "They want to put everybody in a category. They don't look at merit; they don't look at ability – they look at politics."
Buttigieg, added Clark, "is just as divisive and just as incompetent" as Kamala Harris.