Aleksander Mici realizes it is a long shot, but the Bronx resident remembers suffering with millions of other Albanians under a tyrannical communist dictatorship before he was finally able to flee to America in 1991. During an interview on the Fox News Channel, Mici, who is running as a Republican, said he feels duty bound to stop the left's catastrophic push toward socialism.

"I'm running because our way of life, the way this country was founded is under threat by people like Chuck Schumer, who've become the face of the progressive movement," Mici declared. "They are trying to destroy our way of life in the name of compassion and create a permanent authoritarian regime. And who better to fight off, to stave off this wave of socialist movement than someone who has lived and escaped communism?"
Mici also shared how he was part of an uprising against the Albanian regime when he was in high school.
"We were beaten to a pulp with nightsticks, we were run over by armored vehicles, and many people died," the candidate recalled. "Many sacrificed their life to fight this brutal, sadistic regime that destroyed people's lives for 45 years."
Mici says Schumer and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are pushing every day to make America look more like the communist dictatorship he fled.