Lt. Col. Paul Douglas Hague, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, announced in a social media post he “would like nothing more” than to retire at 20 years, with one more year to ago, but he cannot remain in a military uniform any longer, Fox News reported.
"However, I instead will join those who have served before me in pledging my Life, my Fortune, and my Sacred Honor,” the Army officer wrote, “to continue resisting the eternal and ever-mutable forms of oppression and tyranny – both from enemies outside our nation’s borders, and those within.
U.S. service members were informed by the Pentagon August 23 that all of them would be required to get the vaccination, but Lt. Col. Hague mirrored the view of many by suggesting the vaccine has not studied for any long-term side effects. He also objected to the "immoral tyrannical order" to get the shot.
“I admire the man's conviction,” comments Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former U.S. Navy chaplain. “He's obviously a man of principle.”
Klingenschmitt tells American Family News he has no personal objections to the COVID-19 vaccine but says many others do, including for religious reasons.
On the matter of the lieutenant colonel warning about Marxism, the former chaplain seconds that warning after witnessing religious hostility first hand.
“There is, of course, a strong Marxist and communist message inside the Democrat Party of the United States,” Klingenschmitt says. “And there are elements of that messaging in the current Biden administration.”
The most obvious example is the embrace of Critical Race Theory. By embracing that philosophy, which dates back to the 1980s, our Biden-led federal government is agreeing with the central claim that white people are racist by nature and have set up a white-dominated power structure while keeping minorities powerless.

Critical Race Theory is a branch from an older academic theory known as Critical Theory, which mirrors Marxism's central tenet that the rich oppress the poor.
Donald Trump vowed to trample CRT-based training out of the federal government in the last months of his term but President Joe Biden signed an executive order to promote "racial equity" on his first day as president.
Lt. Col. Hague's announcement to quit comes after Matthew Lohmeier, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, lost his Space Force command earlier this summer. The air force officer went public with concerns over Marxism and Critical Race Theory, and he criticized Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin by name which all but ensured punishment.
"The diversity, inclusion and equity industry, and the trainings we are receiving in the military," Lohmeier said in a podcast interview, "is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism."