Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families (CWF), recently noted that even though Joe Biden has only been in office for eight months, one political columnist has pointed out that he "went full Carter faster than Jimmy did!"

It took Jimmy Carter four years to wreck the economy and to have a major foreign policy disaster, Bauer writes in his piece. But Biden did it in less than eight months. The president's poll numbers also continue to sink, with the latest Economist/YouGov poll showing, among other things, that Biden's overall approval rating has fallen to a new low of 39%. Only 26% of Americans believe the country is on the right track, and 58% of Americans view Biden as a "weak leader."
"President Biden has suffered a dramatic and precipitous decline in his support since he took the oath of office in January and has made a number of blunders -- from our southern border to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan -- and now he's paying the price," Bauer submits.
He also cites a recent Rassmussen poll in which 52% of those surveyed believe Biden should resign.
"It's been amazing to see that recent polling shows that an actual slim majority of the American people think that President Biden ought to resign over his mishandling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan," the CWF chairman continues.
Bauer says he feels compelled, though, to remind people that if Biden does what they are urging him to do, then "we end up with President Kamala Harris."