Islamic gov't can't contain the Spirit

Islamic gov't can't contain the Spirit

Islamic gov't can't contain the Spirit

Iran remains one of the most dangerous places for Christians, but that isn't stopping the Holy Spirit from moving there.

Jeff King of International Christian Concern (ICC) says "one of the coolest things" about the Middle Eastern country is it is the fastest-growing Church in the world.

In spite of everything that the radical Islamic government has done there to strangle the Church, King tells AFN, "The Church has exploded. It's only made the Church grow and grow."

Not every believer in Iran may belong to one denomination, and worship services may look or sound different from the average American's, but the ICC spokesman points out that all believers are part of one Body.

King, Jeff (ICC)

"Biblically, that means somebody, if they're a Christian, they have the Spirit of Jesus living within them," King explains. "It's the Spirit of Jesus that suffers. He experiences all of it – all the terrible things: the imprisonments, the beatings, the murders."

Because the Lord tells the Church to care for her brothers and sisters, King says believers in America "need to lift these guys up in prayer and pray that they would continue to be bold and that the gospel would spread."

"Ultimately, we are serving Him when we do that," he submits.

Meanwhile, he says the American Church can learn a lot from and be encouraged by the persecuted Church overseas.