Pakistan's' 'fever pitch of hatred' continues

Pakistan's' 'fever pitch of hatred' continues

Pakistan's' 'fever pitch of hatred' continues

An advocate for persecuted Christians says believers in the Muslim country still need our prayers.

King, Jeff (ICC)

Jeff King of International Christian Concern says Pakistan "has got to be one of the worst places in the world to be a Christian."

"It's not North Korea, but it is wretched," he tells AFN. "You're going to live as a third-class citizen."

Additionally, the country is "in an uproar."

"They keep attacking Christians really for no good reasons," King reports. "Mobs form, and there's some rumor that flies around that somebody desecrated the Qur'an, and they get attacked."

A recent example of that involves the deadly beating of a 74-year-old man. Police officers arrested some of the people responsible, but then another mob formed to demand their release.

"The man who was beaten by the Muslim mob dies; his wife dies about a week later out of stress and a broken heart, and then the police release from jail the 54 that they had arrested that were involved in the murder," King relays.

So with Pakistan "in a fever pitch of hatred" towards Christians, he says more of them are starting to wonder, 'Do we have a future here? Do we have a place here?"