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The Bible: Copies of copies you can trust
![The Bible: Copies of copies you can trust](/media/utkl1yeq/praying.jpg?width=800&height=500&v=1d7e145dd4ca620)
The Bible's inerrancy and infallibility can be confirmed despite our lack of original manuscripts. The copies we have were made with great care and attention to detail, ensuring the accuracy of the content.
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![Gaza aid landed at U.S.-built floating pier promptly looted](/media/a35bz2xs/gaza-aid-trucks-being-looted-ap.jpg)
Gaza aid landed at U.S.-built floating pier promptly looted
Israel has known all along that Hamas commandeers aid shipments and that Gazan aid organizations are ineffective. That shouldn't have surprised the Biden administration, if they were willing to listen to America's strongest ally in the Middle East.
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AFN February 7 Evening Update
February 07, 2025
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