The big makeover

The big makeover

The big makeover

The media will not disappoint us this week. They will perform exactly as expected by helping Democrats create an entirely misleading portrait of the party to pump into America’s living rooms.

Robert Knight
Robert Knight

Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His latest book is "Crooked: What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud."

The Democratic National Convention is underway and runs through Thursday, August 22.

“More than 15,000 members of the media will be in Chicago to cover the convention,” the DNC website informs us. That is, they’re supposed to be there to cover it, not act as delegates. But it’ll work out the same way.

The media will help Democrats create an entirely misleading portrait of the party to pump into America’s living rooms.

Instead of a coven of hardline leftwingers and transgender enthusiasts who conquered a once-mainstream liberal party, the Democrats will come across as patriotic Middle Americans whose most incendiary expression is “aw, shucks.”

"[The media will ensure the Democratic Party will] be seen as a very highly patriotic, even conservative party that is flag-waving and is for all Americans – and they will tamp down the radicalism that the party has adopted in the last few years." (Columnist Robert Knight, in an interview with AFN)

The makeovers of presidential candidate Kamala Harris and vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz have been well underway for days.

Harris has been dumping her most egregious socialist baggage faster than terrified occupants in a punctured hot air ballon.

What about the 10 million illegal aliens coming over the border on the Biden/Harris watch? No problem. She’s tougher on illegal immigration than Donald Trump ever was.

Inflation has soared from Trump’s 1.2% to more than 9% at times and has averaged well over 3% annually every year since 2021. Hey, Americans, inflation is so yesterday. Time to break out the champagne. Or at least more affordable off-brand ginger ale. From a discount store. Shoot. It’s flat.

Did Harris start a bail fund for rioters during the 2020 George Floyd summer of burning down cities? Did she openly express approval of the “defund the police” movement? Yes, she did.

But not to worry. She’ll be portrayed at the convention as a mix of Wyatt Earp, Eliot Ness and Annie Oakley.

As California’s attorney general, she was a real law ‘n order prosecutor, we’re told. After all, she launched the investigation of the pro-lifers who did an undercover sting that exposed Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of baby body parts. She did prosecute pot smokers, but is probably counting on their forgetting all about it.

For the record, many police associations back former President Trump, who the loaded Democrat courts and prosecutors made sure is a “convicted felon.”

Harris will be crowned as the champion of “saving democracy,” even though she never won a primary or even one delegate. Democrats didn’t dare stage an open convention after dumping President Biden.

The big-pocket donors know that Harris lacks charisma, rhetorical abilities or deep support. Why take a chance that someone like Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders or California Gov. Gavin Newsom would steal her thunder – and the nomination?

This past week, she played the populist card to Americans hurt by the inflation triggered by trillions in spending and the Democratic Party’s “green” war on American fossil fuels.

She promises “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries – setting clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries,” the campaign said.

She promises to do the same with the price of prescription drugs.

The fastest way to guarantee shortages and kill innovation is to impose price limits. See any socialist regime like Venezuela, or New York City’s “price-controlled” apartment rentals, which are sublet at astronomical rates.

As for foreign policy, Biden/Harris administration abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban, leaving a major U.S. air base plus billions in arms and ammunition. Bungled security caused the death of 13 American soldiers in a terrorist attack.

Asked to explain the war in Ukraine in layman’s terms, she told a reporter: "Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that's wrong." Well, okay.

Ms. Harris backed the Obama/Biden Iran billion-dollar bailouts and skipped Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. But she’ll be made to look like the more pro-Israel candidate despite Mr. Trump’s move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and consistent support for the Jewish nation.

There’s much more to the Kamala Harris remake, but let’s move on to her running mate.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who established “George Floyd Remembrance Day” and rants about “generations of systemic racism” and “white supremacy,” also will be repackaged as a law ‘n order type.

He let Minneapolis burn for two days of rioting in 2020 before deploying the National Guard. By then, at least one person was dead, 1,500 businesses were looted and destroyed, and a police precinct was burned to the ground. Residents were terrified as rioters caused an estimated $500 million worth of property damage.

Go ahead, spin that. Even Bill Clinton’s ruthless messaging guru, James “the Ragin’ Cajun” Carville might want to duck that assignment.

Mr. Walz did serve for two decades in the Minnesota National Guard. He got out in May 2005 just after news broke that his unit would shortly be sent to Iraq. He said he had carried a weapon into war even though he had deployed only to Italy.

At the convention, don’t be surprised if Mr. Walz comes off as a latter-day version of World War I hero Sgt. Alvin York.

Whatever works.

This article appeared originally here.

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