The literal threat to democracy: Far Left loons drunk on power

The literal threat to democracy: Far Left loons drunk on power

The literal threat to democracy: Far Left loons drunk on power

Yes, there are loons on both sides. But one side—the Left—is turning America into a Third World country as fast as it can by whipping up division and abusing federal power.

Robert Knight
Robert Knight

Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His latest book is "Crooked: What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud."

Another day, another vote buying scheme from the Biden regime.

This past week, President Biden announced $7.7 billion in bailouts to 160,000 more people who owe money on their student loans.

Never mind that the Supreme Court said he had no authority to shift the burden to taxpayers. Under this regime, the Constitution is silly putty.

Expecting people to pay back loans for which they agreed to the terms is what Democrats might call “a threat to democracy.”

The current giveaway brings the total votes bought to 8 million student loan borrowers, of whom 4.75 million will have zero monthly payments. Hooray! Now step over here and register to vote.

The whole thing has so far cost $167 billion. And you thought the high court had reined this in.

Right now, the justices are occupied watching Justice Samuel Alito being flambeed simply because his wife flew a U.S. flag upside down at their home in protest of a neighbor’s obscene sign and vulgar language.

Justice Alito, one of the most able and honest Supreme Court members, is what the media and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, would call “a threat to democracy.”

Anyway, on the student loan front, we’re not done. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said on May 21 that “The Biden-Harris Administration remains persistent about our efforts to bring student debt relief to millions more across the country … one out of every 10 borrowers now has financial breathing room and a burden lifted.

Break out the squash rackets and raise a toast.

This must be a great relief to farmers who are one bad crop away from losing their family-owned farms. Or the heavily mortgaged owner of an auto repair shop who never went to college. Or parents who sacrificed greatly to help pay off their children’s tuition.

I think it’s high time that the Biden administration acknowledge such folks. They could at least say, “Thanks, suckers!”

On Earth Day, Mr. Biden went to Triangle, Virginia, where he unveiled another $7 billion in giveaway funding, this time for solar power under the absurdly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, the green lobby’s $1.2 billion piggy bank.

Mr. Biden also announced new support for the federal Climate Corps. This taxpayer-funded program indoctrinates young people to hector their countrymen over their reluctance to buy electric cars and exchange America’s reliable energy independence for Chinese-sourced windmills and solar panels.

“The government will ease Climate Corps members’ transition to other federal jobs after they graduate from the program,” Mr. Biden promised.

Of course it will. With 3 million federal workers already on the public payroll, and most voting Democrat, we must need more.

Fittingly, the event featured Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Ed Markey, and New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are all radical leftists who are driving the supposedly moderate Biden bus—and America—right over a Marxist cliff.

Mr. Biden also announced “a new partnership between the administration and TradesFutures, the non-profit arm of the North America’s Building Trades Unions, allowing Climate Corps members to access some of the union’s apprenticeship programs.”

Do we need to mention that unions are the arms and legs of the Democrat Party? Didn’t think so.

It’s standard practice to reward your supporters. It’s just that Democrats are so good at it while Republicans often forget who brought them to the dance.

Nonetheless, the GOP is the only thing standing between us and a fourth Obama/Biden term, along with a Chuck Schumer Senate and a House led by New York Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries. Not to mention more leftist judges.

Many commentators lament the nation’s division into increasingly bitter sides. Some of what they say makes sense. It’s a shame we can’t agree to disagree anymore. People cut off friends and even family for having the wrong opinion.

In a recent Wall Street Journal column, left-leaning comedian Bill Maher took a position of neutrality, declaring a pox on both sides. He worries that things could escalate into actual violence.

A cab driver from Bosnia told him that in his country he had seen “next-door neighbors who despise each other” become mortal enemies as that country was plunged into actual war.

Mr. Maher spent more ink criticizing the right and made no mention of the leftist, anti-Semitic campus protests or the BLM/Antifa riots. But he did note that an old friend he had invited to a party declined upon learning that a Trump voter would be there. “I wouldn’t breathe the same air,” the invitee said.

Yes, we need to get along and to try to understand others with whom we disagree. Yes, there are loons on both sides. But one side—the Left—is turning America into a Third World country as fast as it can by whipping up division and abusing federal power.

For example, President Biden gave another speech pouring acid on racial wounds, this time at Morehouse College, where he basically told graduates that America hates them for being black.

In four Democrat jurisdictions, former President Trump is on trial on spurious charges.

And, in Washington, the Republican-run House had to step in to block non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, from voting in city elections.

Think about this when you contemplate millions of illegal immigrants pouring over Mr. Biden’s open border.

By all means, let us be civil.

But our liberties will soon be history if we confuse civility with a comfortable retreat into neutrality.

This article appeared originally here.

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