A Harris presidency would not be good news for Israel

A Harris presidency would not be good news for Israel

A Harris presidency would not be good news for Israel

A former U.S. ambassador to Israel predicts that Kamala Harris will be even worse than Joe Biden when it comes to policies regarding the security of the Jewish State.

During the recent presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris insisted that Israel and Hamas must chart a two-state solution as part of a Palestinian peace plan, even though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently rejected a two-state plan.

“What we know is that this war must end. It must end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a cease-fire deal, and we need the hostages out.

"So, we will continue to work around the clock on that, work around the clock also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution. And in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and in equal measure for the Palestinians,” Harris said.

David Friedman served as U.S. Ambassador to Israel during Trump's presidency. His newly released book is entitled ONE JEWISH STATE: The Last Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Friedman says things were a lot different when Trump left office in early 2021.

Friedman, David (former ambassador to Israel) Friedman

“The world was at peace. Israel was strong and secure. We had negotiated five deals between Israel and five Muslim countries called the 'Abraham Accords' where Israel didn't give up one inch of its God-given territory but achieved peace with five Muslim countries," he tells AFN.

"We were on a glide path to really making the Middle East not just peaceful but really kind of an exemplar for the rest of the world.”

The good Trump did for Israel withered away quickly after the 2020 election, Friedman says.

“Then Biden comes in and the first thing he did is he turned the money back on for Iran. When we left they were broke; their chief architect of terror had been eliminated."

Friedman says the policies that the Trump administration implemented have been proven to work to make the Middle East more peaceful and Israel more secure.

"And Harris will, without question, continue the Biden policies. Make them worse, probably, I think she'll make them worse. And I fear for Israel under those circumstances," he admits.