Gordon Chang: You can count Iran among China's many proxies

Gordon Chang: You can count Iran among China's many proxies

Gordon Chang: You can count Iran among China's many proxies

An expert on communist China says the regime in Beijing is fully committed to supporting Iran in its effort to wipe out Israel.

Iran's threatened retaliatory strike on Israel over the assassination of a notorious Hamas terrorist leader has drawn major world powers into a high-wire act of diplomacy. The terrorist state has rejected a call from French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer demanding that it refrain from any retaliatory attacks against Israel that would further escalate regional tensions.

The three European leaders have issued a joint statement endorsing the latest push by mediators Qatar, Egypt, and the United States to broker an agreement to end the Israel-Hamas war. Some observers believe that halting or limiting an Iranian strike could bolster a months-long effort to reach a cease-fire in Israel's response to the October 7 Hamas massacre of more than 1,200 Israeli men, women, and children. But there is a wildcard: China.

Chang, Gordon (author, commentator) Chang

Asian policy analyst Gordon Chang said during an appearance on Washington Watch this week that the Chinese are exerting their influence in the war-torn region. "China supports Iran, Iran supports Hamas, Houthi militia and Hezbollah – and actually Iran looks like a Chinese proxy. The Chinese certainly think so," he stated.

Then there's is the issue of oil. "Last year, China took 90% of Iran's oil exports," Chang pointed out. "Iran's oil production last year reached a five-year high. Iran could not have afforded to attack Israel on October 7 were it not for Chinese money."

But Chang says it's more than just about money. "It's also diplomatic support, propaganda support, and Chinese arms," he listed. "Iran and all of its terrorist proxies have large quantities of Chinese weapons.

"So, this is a Chinese attack on Israel," he argued. "People don't look at it that way, but when you start looking at those relationships, it's clear that this is a China-sponsored war."

Iran's proxies getting away with murder

A retired naval officer and ship commander tells AFN he has no confidence the Biden-Harris administration would be willing to confront Iran if its war with Israel escalates.

"Clearly [Iran has] already taken on Americans, but we just don't do anything about it," says U.S. Navy Commander (Ret.) Kirk Lippold. "They injured us through one of their proxy groups. And at some point in time, it goes back to a saying that you've heard me say more than once: solve the problem, not the symptom.

Lippold, Kirk (Cmdr, USN-Ret.) Lippold

"At the end of the day, we have got to stop letting these proxy groups get away with injuring or killing Americans and threatening our national security interests."

But Lippold doesn't think Biden-Harris will be willing to confront Iran if things really escalate. "I don't have any faith and confidence that they will do it because they've already demonstrated that they're unwilling to hold Iran accountable for the deaths of Americans," he laments.

Lippold commanded the destroyer USS Cole when it was attacked by terrorists in 2000. The ship is now forwardly deployed in the region – and the retired officer says the Cole packs a lethal punch.

"She is going to be capable in every warfare domain," he tells AFN. "And she is able to engage into Iran [with Tomahawk missiles] should they choose to escalate the conflict … Hopefully the Iranians will see fit not to do that."