Abused parole program gets paused

Abused parole program gets paused

Abused parole program gets paused

Advocates for secure borders aren't surprised that the Biden administration is being forced to walk back on its unlawful attempts to increase illegal immigration.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) recently obtained an internal report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that confirms its worst fears about the president's processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV) that have allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to fly directly into the United States.

Ira Mehlman, FAIR's media director, says the report reveals that DHS has been rubber stamping parole applications without verifying information provided by sponsors or parolees.

Mehlman, Ira (Federation for American Immigration Reform) Mehlman

"The DHS's own internal report found just massive evidence that the system was being abused," he tells AFN. "You had multiple applications all filed from same address. In some cases, the addresses turned out to be storage units. There were bogus zip codes; there were lots of people using the same Social Security number, including patently bogus Social Security numbers."

"We've seen from the start that the administration has abused these programs," Mehlman adds.

The report is so incriminating that it has led to the pause of the program, for the time being at least. 

"This report was not made public," the FAIR spokesman reiterates. "It was an internal report within DHS. Somebody there hit the pause button, which is indication of how bad the fraud would seem to be."

FAIR asserts that President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas cannot hide from this, and Mehlman thinks it should alarm every American and lead to the permanent shutdown of the CHNV parole program, which he says never should have existed in the first place.

Biden forced to continue border wall construction

Meanwhile, a former leader in the Republican Party of Texas is celebrating Attorney General Ken Paxton's (R) huge court victory on the border.

Paxton's office has stopped the Biden administration's attempt to redirect statutorily obliged funds away from border wall construction, in direct violation of federal law.

The federal court has ordered the Biden administration to continue border wall construction using the roughly $1.4 billion that Congress appropriated for the purpose under President Donald Trump's watch to reduce the number of aliens entering the country.

Immediately upon taking office, President Biden issued an executive order stopping the construction of walls and barriers along the southern border and directing the Department of Homeland Security to devise a way to redirect the funds.

His administration has declined to appeal this lost case, forfeiting any further claims.

"This is a final victory against Biden's attempt to defund the border wall," said AG Paxton.

"This is a very, very good thing that has been decided by the courts," responds Cathie Adams.

Adams, Cathie (TX Eagle Forum) Adams

She says Texans are currently paying billions in taxes to try and secure the border, and she is personally ready to see a wall put up so that those billions can be put into something that is more permanent.

"Building the wall is going to be a more firm way of saying that we have secure borders," she submits.

Texas sued under the Administrative Procedure Act to stop Biden's scheme, arguing that the president violated the Consolidated Appropriations Act.