GOP guvs reveal Dems' 'sanctuary city' mantra is shallow

GOP guvs reveal Dems' 'sanctuary city' mantra is shallow

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (left) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

GOP guvs reveal Dems' 'sanctuary city' mantra is shallow

A conservative activist says it has been an effective political move for two Republican governors to highlight the hypocrisy of the Biden administration when it comes to shipping illegal aliens to other parts of the country.

The New York Post reported one year ago that the Biden administration had secretly flown "planeloads of underage migrants" into suburban New York to "quietly" resettle them in the area:

"A Post analysis of online flight-tracking data suggests that around 2,000 of the underage migrants have arrived at the airport outside White Plains on 21 flights since Aug. 8 [2021]. Records show some of the planes touched down between midnight and 6:30 a.m. – when a voluntary curfew is in effect – with two arriving from Houston at 2:13 a.m. and 4:29 a.m. on Aug. 20." (New York Post, 10/14/21)

The Treasury Department apparently had no problem with Biden using taxpayer money for that operation, which the Post said caught the attention of local residents. But that agency's internal watchdog has now launched an investigation into whether Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, improperly used federal pandemic aid to fly illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard last month as part of his effort to "transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations."

Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families and a former GOP presidential candidate, has observed Beltway politics for a long time.

Bauer, Gary (American Values) Bauer

"I think what DeSantis and Governor [Greg] Abbott have done to highlight this issue and to send some of these people into these sanctuary cities has been an incredibly effective political move," Bauer tells AFN. Abbott, governor of Texas, is also a Republican.

Bauer views the DOJ's efforts to go after DeSantis, suggesting that he misused funds, as quite revealing – "[Particularly] when the current president of the United States and his entire party are not just misusing funds, they're abusing the laws of the United States by egregiously refusing to secure the borders of the United States."

In a current op-ed, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies confirms Bauer's warning, explaining that the sustained arrival of "wave after wave of newcomers from abroad" puts strains on America's schools, social services, and criminal justice system.

And Bauer adds that Biden's non-enforcement of border policies has serious consequences.

"If you don't secure your borders, you fail to meet the definition of being a nation – and that is at the feet of Biden, [Vice President Kamala] Harris, and the Democrat Party," he states.