Shin Bet vs. Hamas: Protecting the technology that provides the protection

Shin Bet vs. Hamas: Protecting the technology that provides the protection

Israel's Iron Dome air-defense system has been operational since late March 2011. Over the years, the U.S. has invested billions in the system's production and development.

Shin Bet vs. Hamas: Protecting the technology that provides the protection

Understanding Israel's mobile, all-weather air-defense system is one of many priorities of the Hamas terror group – and recruiting spies to learn more about the system is clearly not out of the question.

A few weeks ago, Israeli security forces arrested an Arab Israeli and a Palestinian from the Gaza Strip. The two men were suspected of spying on Israel, gathering information about the Israeli military and Iron Dome missile defense batteries, according to the Shin Bet – the country's foremost domestic counterterror agency.

"[The] investigation joins previous investigations from the past two years against [Hamas's] intelligence infrastructure," the Shin Bet reports, "and again reveals the fact that Hamas takes advantage of the border crossings to advance terrorist activities in Israel and causes people to risk their families in Israel and in the Gaza Strip."

Life under the Iron Dome

Miri Eisin is a former head of the combat intelligence corps and assistant to the director of military intelligence of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). American Family News spoke to Eisin about the case against the Israeli suspect, Hasin Biari, and the Palestinian suspect, Mammoud Ahmad – both of whom were recruited by the Hamas terror group (Ahmad in 2019 and Biari in 2021).

Eisin, Miri (former IDF colonel) Eisin

Eisin explains she was pleased with the work of the Shin Bet, pointing out that the Iron Dome batteries "have been a major game changer in the last few violent confrontations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip" – and consequently, for the suspects to gather intel about the air-defense system was a benefit to Hamas as well as a detriment to the Jewish state's national security.

According to Eisin, the air-defense system is designed to intercept incoming rockets, giving protection to all people who are "under the umbrella."

"[The Iron Dome is] very effective, albeit not hermetic," she continues. "Israelis are allowed to continue some semblance of regular activities even with the constant threat of incoming rockets."

And while Israelis feel protected, the former IDF officer says terror organizations are frustrated by the system's technology and its ability to provide early warnings of rocket attacks, which often give those threatened by an attack sufficient time to take shelter – thereby diluting the impact.

Kudos to Shin Bet

In the eyes of Hamas terrorists, all things Israel are legitimate targets. Attempting to gather intel on towns, schools, people, or military installations is not unusual for the terror group.

"Hamas terrorists are preparing themselves for the next violent confrontation," Eisin shares. "They want to act for their audience as if they are a legit military unit rather than a terror organization that calls for the destruction of Israel."

Thankfully, she says, Israel has been very successful at apprehending spies. "Spies are constantly looking for ways to get through the Israeli defense systems, including security barriers above and below ground," Eisin points out.

For that reason, she concludes, it's imperative for the Shin Bet to remain "one step ahead" and prepared for the next challenge. "The unknown spy is the one Israel has to worry about," she warns.