The border crisis under Joe Biden has worsened as preliminary July apprehension totals reveal that approximately 210,000 illegal aliens were likely apprehended by immigration officials within the month. This is the highest total for a month in more than 20 years and an 11% increase from June.
Top Republicans have called on the Biden administration to act on the crisis since leaked audio emerged of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calling the situation there "unsustainable."
Immigration authorities likely apprehended more than 19,000 unaccompanied minor children in July—an all-time record.
"If you look at the past two months – 210,000 in July, 180,000 in June -- that's 400,000 people that they encounter coming across that border illegally in the space of just two months," figures Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). "These are months that we generally see an ebb in the number of people coming across because of just the heat down there. The unfavorable conditions generally lead to decreases in people coming across that border illegally, but this year it is continuing to skyrocket."

He warns that these immigration numbers jeopardize the safety and health of communities all across the United States.
"This makes absolutely no sense for the American public," Mehlman continues, "The Biden administration is clearly putting their objectives when it comes to immigration, which is basically open borders, ahead of every consideration possible concerning the American public."
In the leaked audio, Mayorkas went on to state, "We're looking at policy options. We can't continue like this where our people in the field can't continue and our system isn't built for it.
"He has now acknowledged that his policy's a failure," Mehlman says of Mayorkas, "and so the obvious next step is do something to correct that failure."
Illegal immigration at the southern border has increased for six consecutive months with no end in sight, Mehlman adds.