Dr. Kenyon C. Knapp, dean of Liberty University's School of Behavioral Science, recently told the American Family Radio audience on Thursday (July 6) about a special connection he made with a student in a Zoom class meeting on the topic of missions and evangelism.

"It made me think of my uncle, who I was named after, who did a lot of missions work in Africa and translated the Bible into one of the dialects of Swahili," Dr. Knapp detailed. "As I was talking about it, I reached behind me and pulled an early version of the Bible out in Swahili and started showing it to the class … and there was a guy in the class who got all animated."
Dr. Knapp stopped to ask the student what was so exciting.
"He was actually from the Belgian Congo, or the Democratic Republic of Congo, and about 70 years ago, his parents came to the Lord through having the Bible in their own language," the professor told AFR. "His grandparents were [saved], and then his parents got saved, and then he got saved."
Knowing that the very translation that has outlived his uncle played a part in that family's salvation story brought to life for Dr. Knapp Hebrews 11:4, which says that Abel's faith speaks, even though he is dead.