When the war in Ukraine began nearly 10 months ago, many residents fled to bordering nations for safety. Some, however, have since returned because there were no jobs, and they could not support their families in their places of refuge.
Michael Johnson of the Slavic Gospel Association tells AFN they found no better conditions when they returned home.

"People are unemployed, they don't have access to funds to feed themselves or their families, and now we find ourselves in a situation where the Russians have bombed their power stations and they're looking toward winter," Johnson relays. "It's going to be a long, cold winter without any heat, electricity, or the basic things that one needs to survive."
From the get-go, SGL has been funneling funds through several thousand churches to make purchases locally to meet those needs.
"There is another side to that story," Johnson continues. "As these people are ministered to by these wonderful churches and these courageous church workers, many of them have come to faith in Christ as a result of this, and there is a significant growth in the churches … in Ukraine right now."
So while the ministry works hard to meet the people's physical needs, they recognize that the spiritual needs are most important. Johnson says it seems like a huge revival is taking place in the midst if a horrible situation.