"Houses for Healing is where we build tiny houses for our neighbors that come into Abilene, which is a medical hub," ministry founder Brian Massey tells American Family News. "Inside Abilene, we get churches across denominational and non-denominational lines to adopt these tiny houses. We're going to have 20 of them."

They will be used by patients and their families as they recover from serious illnesses or injuries.
"Whoever stays in that house, that church engages ministry teams and loving on them -- you know, food, transportation, praying for them," Massey details. "Ultimately, we don't want them to die and go to hell because the Church was absent."
So the churches pray with the patients and their families, and in some cases lead them to Christ. And with people from 19 counties using the houses, the ministry contacts churches in the patients' home towns to encourage them to do things like restock the refrigerator for someone who is due to return home, or help with their lawn, their utilities, their pets, or any dependents who may need assistance along the way.
Four tiny houses have been constructed so far, and another 16 are in the works, so Houses for Healing is trying to raise $400,000 to accomplish that that and fulfill city requirements.