One of the many executive orders the president has signed is to federally ban all taxpayer funding going to so-called "gender transitions.”
This involves both chemical and surgical procedures.
Nick Spencer is the Director of Public Policy for the Family Foundation of Kentucky. He shared with AFN his organization's views on the president's move.
"Yeah, we think this is a fantastic move by President Trump. Here in the state of Kentucky, we have already sort of taken a similar measure with the passage of Senate Bill 150 back in 2023, but we're so excited to see it happening at the federal level."
He said his team expects this move by the president to hopefully encourage the General Assembly to move forward in this strongly when they reconvene on February fourth.

"We want to do everything we can to protect not just children, but every citizen of the state of Kentucky from these harmful ideologies and these harmful procedures, so hopefully we'll see something done in the General Assembly to prevent state taxpayer dollars from being used to fund these sorts of procedures for people of any age. But we are certainly encouraged by not just this executive order of President Trump's, but many of the executive orders that we've seen him sign over the past week and a half."
Thinking back, how did we even get to this position where children trying to change from a boy to a girl or vice versa is not only allowed, but supported and even encouraged?
"Well, I think it goes back a lot further than just four years. I think a lot of this actually can be traced to the Obergefell decision from the Supreme Court in 2015. It legalized same-sex marriage. When you separate the concept of marriage and procreation from the way that God has designed it all the way back in Genesis 11, one man and one woman for life, then you have a lot of follow-on effects."
The Obergefell Fallout
Spencer said those effects obviously impact interpersonal relationships.
"You have effects that impact artificial reproductive technologies like surrogacy and IVF, things like that, follow-on effects from that court case. You end up in a situation where sex doesn't really matter. You are who you want to be, or so they say, and I think all of these social effects that we've seen with marriage, with reproduction, with gender and sexuality in general have just really accelerated ever since the Obergefell decision. I know that there are some moves in certain states around the country to maybe see if that decision could be reversed."
He reiterated the Family Foundation's position of standing for a biblical definition of marriage.
“We would strongly support any effort to strongly define marriage as one man and one woman for life. I think if you're if you're looking in, certainly recent history, that decision from the Supreme Court is a big reason why we are where we are today."