The peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nature Communications suggests the COVID vaccine is unproven and unsafe. This study looked at 9.2 million South Koreans who had taken the jab. Researchers documented a 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 170% higher risk of pericarditis in fit, young men.
In an interview with AFN, cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough says he sees it every day in his practice. "The peak age is 18 to 24," he shared, "although it can range all the way from small, little boys to older men."
McCullough pointed out that although this study focused on men, it also showed that women who took the injection were nearly twice as likely to develop myocarditis. He said the tragic thing about the side effects of the COVID injection is that many who took the shot never see the heart attack coming.

"The greatest concern about the vaccine myocarditis is about half of it is subclinical – and that means there's no symptoms," he explained. "And so, the first manifestation that there's a problem is a cardiac arrest."
It's good news, he added, that hardly anyone is taking the COVID vaccine anymore. But the dangerous technology behind the mRNA vaccine is being used to create dozens of new vaccines. "Moderna is advancing 31 of these – so they have respiratory syncytial virus, an influenza virus, as well as a bird flu virus vaccine."
He also noted that the immunities from prosecution that were given to makers of the COVID vaccine might not apply to these other therapies, so potential lawsuits could dampen their popularity.
"… That's the great concern," he concluded. "They haven't made the product safer and they've never done the cardio toxicity studies to help us in the community who are trying to take care of these patients."
A researcher with Children's Health Defense told it was "stunning" that neither the title nor the abstract for the paper mentioned the severe increase of myocarditis following the mRNA shots. That researcher explained that "the significant omission was likely due to 'the changing scope of censorship in science.'"