Musk says 'woke mind virus' of trans ideology came for his son

Musk says 'woke mind virus' of trans ideology came for his son

Musk says 'woke mind virus' of trans ideology came for his son

A heart-breaking story from the world’s richest man demonstrates all the money in the world can’t protect children from reality-twisting transgender ideology.

In a confession-like interview with Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk described how he witnessed his son, Xavier, declare he was a girl two years ago.

Musk claimed he was “essentially tricked” into signing documents for his son, now age 20, because he was told he was risking Xavier committing suicide if he remained a boy.

“That was a lie right from the outset,” Musk says of the experience.

Using the threat of suicide or self-harm is a familiar bullying tactic for homosexual activists, says Washington Times columnist Peter Labarbera.  

“Pro-LGBT activists use suicide as a weapon, as a threat,” he tells AFN. “They did it before on the gay issue. Now they're doing it even worse on the trans issues.”

Tying suicide to transgender ideology is a tricky feat for LGBT activists, however. On one hand, they declared victory in 2010 after convincing the American Psychological Association to remove the term “gender identify disorder” as a recognized mental illness for people who feel they were born in the wrong body. 

On the other hand, opponents of transgender ideology are routinely warned by activists that “deadnaming” a transgender person, or just using their wrong pronoun, could trigger suicidal thoughts.

In the Peterson interview, Musk continually used his son's name and said he was confronted with the “deadnaming issue” with Xavier.

“They call it deadnaming for a reason. Your son is dead,” he said. “So my son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”