The irony of Gov. Mark Gordon telling Dr. Eric Cubin to resign from the Wyoming Board of Medicine is that the Governor signed the bill into law that Cubin, a radiologist, publicly supported.
The bill, known as the Children Gender Change Prohibition Act, was signed into law in March by Gordon, who signed the bill reluctantly, according to Cowboy State Daily.
Gordon, a former state treasurer, is currently serving his second term as governor after winning re-election in 2022.
Nathan Winters, of the Wyoming Family Alliance, tells AFN the Governor was angered that Dr. Cubin objected publicly to underage children being subjected to life-altering hormones and surgeries.
“What many of us who have been involved in the process here, in the state of Wyoming, for some time recall,” Winters says, “is that there have been other members of this board who were pro-abortion in the past and they were never kicked off the board, never removed from the board.”

Gordon, who has polled as the second-most popular U.S. governor, was criticized by his own party late last year for stating he wants Wyoming to become “carbon negative” to fight climate change. The state Republican Party passed a vote of “no confidence” after the comments, which Gordon had made at Harvard University.
Wyoming has a population of 581,300 spread out over 97.8 million square miles.
According to a story by The Blaze, Dr. Cubin contacted state legislators via email in February to encourage them to vote for the Children Gender Change Prohibition Act.
Dr. Cubin, who was appointed to the Board of Medicine last year, stepped down from the state board after Gov. Gordon informed him he was going to be removed because of his political advocacy.
The physician told the Cowboy State Daily he had not regrets.
“At the end of the day, I stood up for my principles, I stood up for what’s right, and I stood up for the children in the state of Wyoming," Cubin said.