As studies emerge on the COVID-19 mRNA shot, several documented dangerous or deadly side effects are coming to light. Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, in a recent interview with Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog, suggested one more can be added to the list.
"The amount of autoimmune disease we're seeing, inflammation in the hearts of healthy young people that we're seeing, neurologic damage and harm, Parkinson's, exacerbation and worsening of dementia, and Alzheimer's disease – and … to bring the monster in the room, cancer is on the uptick. So, we're in trouble," he summarizes.

To be clear, he says it's an indirect link to cancer. The shots, he explains, cause immune suppression. "They cause a disruption and a dysregulation of your immune system that normally is what would fight cancer," he adds.
In other words, he continues, the cancer will metastasize much more quickly than it would otherwise.
According Dr. Cole, the term "turbo cancer" is being used – and the data are pretty clear it's related to the shot.
"In 2020, there is about one-point-something percent increase in cancer. In 2021, about six to seven percent. But in 2022," he emphasizes, "there was a 35% expected above average."
He argues the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization, and others lied to the public about the shots. "This injection was not a vaccine," he told show host Hunter, "and the media and people's places of work and whatnot coerced them into thinking that it was. This was a gene-based injection."
Late last week, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, arguing the drug manufacturer misrepresented the efficacy of its mRNA-based COVID-19 "vaccine" when it claimed the vaccine was 95% effective.