Vaccine expert says public trust, sloppy science behind injuries from COVID-19 shot

Vaccine expert says public trust, sloppy science behind injuries from COVID-19 shot

Vaccine expert says public trust, sloppy science behind injuries from COVID-19 shot

While some people continue to push more COVID-19 shots on the populace due to increasing cases, others are sounding the alarm.

Whether it is President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, or someone else who has the nation's ear, Americans have been assured that COVID shots are safe and effective.

Talking about that issue on American Family Radio, Christina Parks, Ph.D. said she and others knew they weren’t safe.

"But unfortunately, only people with a degree like mine really understood that," said Parks, whose background is in cellular and molecular biology. "So many people, including medical doctors and public health professionals pushing them, may not have understood that science."

Parks chalks up some of the problems to what she calls "manufacturing sloppiness" that led to shots being "contaminated" with large amounts of problematic DNA.

Parks, Dr. Christina Parks

"It can actually be packaged and go into your cells. It can go into bacteria. It can actually become a synthetic infectious agent," Parks told show host Walker Wildmon. "It should have been taken care of. It shouldn't be in the shot."

When asked about intentions behind it, Parks said she does not believe it was intentionally manufactured to have an effect. She described it as unintentional consequences. To make matters worse, Parks said the government failed to do its job.

"Definitely, there could be things in the vaccine that are not what we were told," she continued.

As for people that got one or more of the COVID shots and now regret it, Parks said there is no way to “detox” from these shots but the body can heal from the effects.

"Things like Ivermectin can be helpful and zinc can be helpful," said Parks. "Really keeping the body in an anti-inflammatory state, giving what it needs to nourish it and to rebuild the damaged parts of the body.”