"Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of," Dr. Joseph Lapado, Florida's surgeon general, tweeted last week. "This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth."
The concern is that the shots increase a young man's risk of cardiac death by 84%. So according to Twila Brase, RN and president of Citizens' Council for Health Freedom, Dr. Lapado is saying "the right thing."
"He needs to talk about what he sees rather than counting on the CDC or the NIH to give us official data," she submits. "The CDC has been holding back all sorts of data, so the last people we should count on for data is the CDC."
In conducting its own analysis, the Florida Department of Health determined the likelihood of young men suffering from cardiac death because of the shots. Though some independent scientists claim it contains major statistical flaws, Brase says "it should give people pause."

"They should not doubt that this might be true," she continues. "Overseas, there are several countries who have completely discontinued giving these injections either to people under 65 or they said no one under the age of 18 is going to get them because they're worried about heart inflammation, heart attacks, and vascular problems," the registered nurse relays.
Brase would like to see other health officials come forward with their concerns.
"I think that health officials across the country are going to be doubted long into the future because they stuck to a certain narrative that was all about vaccines and about nothing else, without any concern for those who might be harmed by the vaccines," she tells AFN.
The health freedom advocate simply wants to see more health officials being truthful and offering facts.