Staver: Truth coming out about COVID-19 shot and it's bad

Staver: Truth coming out about COVID-19 shot and it's bad

Staver: Truth coming out about COVID-19 shot and it's bad

An attorney who is defending U.S. service members from being forced to get the COVID-19 shot says military doctors are revealing shocking evidence the vaccines are far more dangerous than the virus itself.

Recently, three military flight surgeons testified at a federal court hearing related to the case of a Navy SEAL commander who has refused to take a COVID jab.

Mat Staver, an attorney who leads Liberty Counsel, which is representing the commander, says all three surgeons testified the COVID-19 shots are neither safe nor effective. 

“In fact, the testimony was shocking,” Staver insists. “One of the physicians, not knowing the danger of the shots, trusting the Department of the Defense that they were safe and effective, took the Moderna vaccine. And now he has demyelination disease, which means that he will have to have a medical disability and leave the military in his 39th year, when he was hoping to reach 40 years in the military.”

Staver, Mat (Liberty Counsel) Staver

Other doctors testified that there are many service members being injured and killed, and a military doctor who got the shot, and is injured from it, testified that double-vaxxed military members are getting COVID at a rate as high as 80%.

“These are dangerous,” Staver warns, “and they're not effective.”